Friday, 31 July 2009

Iced Cicau Jelly Special

Come on Mama..! Let's Cooking..!

Iced Cincau Jelly

Made more of their own the healthy is guaranteed. It's also not lose the favor of the original ...

Difficulty level: Medium
Cooking time: 45 minutes
For: 5-6 persons


1 Nutrijel Plain
500 ml water
3 tbsp thick drop + pandan water suji
1 tsp water whiting
1 tbsp maize

Syrup of palm sugar:
250 g palm sugar
2 tbsp sugar
1 pandan leaf pieces, in tatters
250 ml water

Condensed milk:
1 clove coconut, peeled, grated
500 ml water
1 tsp salt

5 fruit jackfruit, cut lengthwise
Rocks, broken
How to create:

Nutrijel boiled water and stirred to a boil. Suji pandan water intervention, water, whiting, and maizena. Add 1 spoon vegetable stew Nutrijel.

Pour the mixture back into the stew and cook briefly Nutrijel stirred while average.

Pour into molds and wait until cool. Dredging using the spoon.

Put 2-3 tbsp cincau in jelly glasses. Tuang 2 tbsp thick coconut milk, 2 tbsp syrup of palm sugar and ice . Serve with topping if like jackfruit.


Syrup of palm sugar can be replaced with the vanilla syrup or coco pandan. Or you can also make simple syrup: 250 g boiled sugar, 2 pieces of pandan leaves stub, 250 ml of water. Use a small fire and non-aluminum saucepan. Filter.


Monday, 27 July 2009

Iced Cincau Jelly

Come on Mama..! Let's Cooking..!


Buatan sendiri tentu lebih dijamin kebersihannya. Rasanya pun tak kalah nikmat dari yang aslinya…

Tingkat kesulitan: sedang
Waktu memasak: 45 menit
Untuk: 5-6 orang


1 bks Nutrijel Plain
500 ml air
3 sdm perasan kental air suji + pandan
1 sdt air kapur sirih
1 sdm tepung maizena

250 g gula aren
2 sdm gula pasir
1 lembar daun pandan, sobek-sobek
250 ml air

Santan Kental:
1 butir kelapa, kupas, parut
500 ml air
1 sdt garam

5 buah nangka, potong memanjang
Es batu, pecah-pecahkan

Cara membuat:
Rebus Nutrijel dan air sambil diaduk hingga mendidih. Campur air suji pandan, air kapur sirih, dan maizena. Tambahkan 1 sendok sayur rebusan Nutrijel.
Tuangkan kembali campuran bahan ke dalam rebusan Nutrijel dan masak sebentar sambil diaduk rata.
Tuangkan ke dalam cetakan dan dinginkan. Keruk menggunakan sendok.
Taruh 2-3 sdm cincau jelly dalam gelas. Tuang 2 sdm santan kental, 2 sdm kinca dan es batu secukupnya. Sajikan dengan taburan nangka bila suka.

Kinca dapat diganti dengan sirup vanili atau coco pandan. Atau anda juga dapat membuat simple syrup: rebus 250 g gula pasir, 2 lembar sobekan daun pandan, 250 ml air. Gunakan api kecil dan panci non alumunium. Saring.

source :

Almond Cup Pudding

Come on Mama..! Let's Cooking..!

ingredients for Almond Cup Pudding

* 4 ounces of sweet almonds
* 2 ounces bitter almonds
* 2 ounces of butter
* 1 tablespoon cream
* 1½ ounces flour
* 1 ounce of sugar

Cara Membuat:

1. Blanch the almonds, and pass them through a nut mill; then pound them well in a mortar for ten minutes; add the butter--beaten to a cream--and the cream and sugar.
2. Then add the flour slowly, stirring all the time.
3. Grease some small tins, and half fill them, and put into a quick oven for about half an hour.
4. Serve with brandy sauce if desired.
